October 6, 2025 – October 6, 2025 — Finland
Outdoor Travel Workshop 2025 Finland
Time: 6.10.2025
Place: Koli, Finland
Sales event for producers of tourism services that take place in nature, as well as tourist destinations, accommodation and food service companies and transport companies, in whose area summer and/or winter activities are an important source of income. Companies also have a desire to seek customers from international markets.
The Outdoor Travel Workshop will be organized now for the 5th time. The goal is to present summer and winter activities and companies offering these services. The target group is B2B foreign travel agencies and tour operators who have special expertise in selling activities. We aim for approx. 20 – 30 buyers who are particularly interested in activities.
Outdoor Travel Workshop 2025 is part of the series of sales events produced by ToolBox Consulting Ltd in the Baltics and Nordic countries. The event also includes familiarization trips (excursions) organized for foreign buyers and the Get Together party.
Last registration date: will be updated later.
All rights reserved.
Tagged in: FAM Trips, Hybrid, Sales Workshops, ToolBox Exclusive