Newsletters — November 5, 2011

Skål International – I am a new President of National Committee for 2012 – 2013

Skål International, the biggest tourism organization in the world, is spread also in Finland. There are two associations in Finland, in Helsinki and in Turku. We are having 101 members in Helsinki association and Turku has 45. Skål International rules mention there should be National Committee in all countries where there is more than one association operating. The National Committee of Finland is consisting members from each assocations; two from Turku – Marja Eela-Kaskinen and Susanna Saari. There are three members from Helsinki; Stefan Ekholm, Kari Halonen and Risto Välttilä. We decided in our latest meeting, 4.11.2011 in Helsinki, several improvements such as: – We will increase members in our National Committee from five members to seven members. The members are from Helsinki association the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary. I was elected to be next National Committee President for 2012 – 2013.- We approve the candidacy of Mrs. Susanna Saari to be our next official Councellor in Skål International Task Group. She has been operating as Vice-Councellor so far, but in the future the role is clear for her.- We will increase new Skål International Associations to been established in Finland.- We will start in the beginning of 2012 Young Skål operations. Ms. Ulla-Maija Rouhiainen will be in charge to develop Young Skål by Helsinki association. Ulla-Maija joined recently into Skål International.- We will improve also our communication by improving our webpages more.- In 2012 – 2013 Helsinki is taking the lead to organize and develop our National Committee, and one of our biggest concern and developping area is to improve National Committee’s funding. Nowadays each association is paying a fee, 13 euros/person for this organization. We would like to see the Committee is having more direct funding from it’s own operations and supportive role of local associations will not be so important in the future.